The Amazing Power of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables with Easy & Delicious Recipes

The Amazing Power of
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables with Easy & Delicious Recipes
Based on Exciting New Research!

At Last! Juice and smoothie recipes proven to help you live better and longer -revealed!

Only $7!

Are You Eating
Enough Fruits & Veggies?

Research shows that most of us aren’t, and this is very bad news!

The latest dietary guidelines call for 7 or more servings of fresh fruits and vegetables DAILY!

But who has the time to purchase, prepare and eat all that?

That’s why fresh juices and smoothies are more and more popular.

Plus, studies show that fresh juices and smoothies retain most of the vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant chemicals that are found in whole foods.

In other words, this is the easiest & fastest way to get all your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables with all those important nutrients only found in fresh whole foods.

Unfortunately, buying a fresh juice or smoothie at a juice bar is expensive … not to mention the inconvenience of battling traffic or weather to get to the nearest location.

That’s why I created this ebook that reveals over 275 delicious recipes that you can quickly, easily and inexpensively make at home without any added sweeteners!

INTRODUCING “Ultimate Juicing & Smoothie Recipes & Tips - 6th Edition" with over 275 delicious recipes based on the latest nutritional research! 

You can download it immediately to any computer, phone, laptop, iPad - any device with an internet connection.

This ebook is packed with recipes based on the latest scientific research AND ancient medicinal traditions because, after all, many of our modern medicines were 'discovered' by studying folk remedies. Willow bark (aspirin) and valerian root (valium) are just 2 examples.

That’s right, if you have a particular illness or health concern this new ebook has a recipe to help fight it based on the latest research with citations so you can study the sources yourself.

While you enjoy a delicious fresh juice or smoothie, you can also target your health concerns such as weight loss, anti-aging, more energy, better sex, or fighting diseases such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, insomnia, motion sickness, arthritis, memory decline, poor eyesight and many more!

These Recipes Did
Wonders for My Own Health & I'm Positive They'll Do the
Same for You!

Hello, my name is Bob Hannum and I juice daily with recipes to help keep my wife's breast cancer in remission and to improve my health. I'm thrilled to share with you everything I've learned about juicing and smoothies. My journey has been unusual - let me briefly tell you why.

I don’t eat a lot of junk food, I’m not overweight and I exercise daily – I'm even a Pilates instructor!

But there’s just one problem –

I Never Eat All the
Fresh Fruits & Veggies We're Supposed to Eat Every Day! Who Has Time for That?

Like most people I rarely eat all the recommended daily servings of fresh fruits and veggies.

Luckily, I managed to enjoy excellent health – until I turned 40 and started to develop some health issues.

Needless to say, I became alarmed! After all, I spend so much time on exercise that I should never have any health problems!

But I did, and when I sought my doctor's help I was absolutely shocked to find out that all he could do for me was put me on medications that didn’t agree with me.

I didn't want to live the rest of my life on these or any medications with all their unpleasant side effects so I began doing research and was startled to learn that -

A Lack of Fresh Fruits & Veggies Is Linked to So Many Health Problems!

Heart disease, cancer, disbetes, asthma, arthritis, skin problems, digestive issues, mental decline, fatigue and so many more chronic ailments are linked to diets that lack fresh foods, especially fruits and vegetables!

What surprised me even more was learning that-

A Healthy Diet of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Can Significantly Reduce Our Risk of So Many Chronic Diseases!

Nutritional research is exploding every day with new and exciting discoveries about special nutrients in fruits and vegetables that can help prevent and even fight illness and extend our lives!

I became so excited that I decided to create an ebook filled with all these powerful recipes and thrilling discoveries. And I also decided to make it incredibly affordable as my quiet protest against our wildly overpriced medical care.

Here AreThreeGood Reasons You Must Buy This Book
Right Now!


Here'sjust a tasteof what you'll discover...

Click on the buy now button to download your copy of “Ultimate Juicing & Smoothie Recipes & Tips 6th Edition” along with the 2 free bonus reports for just $7.

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P.S. You can find tons of free juice and smoothie recipes on the internet, but they don’t explain how these fruits, veggies, herbs and spices help, or they don’t cite sources, or they just don't keep up with the latest research and thus don't have the most powerful combinations! That’s why you need "Ultimate Juicing & Smoothie Recipes & Tips - 6th Edition" Order now.

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